Mulan in 2020
On March 27, 2020, the movie Mulan will officially be out in theaters. Mulan is a Chinese maiden who disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father and honor her family.
Aileen Zamora (9) says, “[I} would rather watch the movie that is going to be played than the animated one because it’s what I’m used to liking…”
The original Mulan, which was released in 1998, is based on legend Hua Mulan. Mulan in the 2020 film is expected to be different from the 1998 version. Different characters have been removed and others have been added. Not to mention, Mulan was animated and now, the movie is a live-action film.
Berenice Salazar (9) says, “I would watch the animated one because the movie where it’s played out shows blood and other graphics and the animated movie is funny.”
Previous characters from Mulan (1998) are going to be excluded from the live-action film. In the new movie, for instance, it will start from where the previous movie ended and Mulan will still be fighting against the enemy that she is attracted to and eventually become friends.
Lindsay Luna (10) says, “I would rather watch the new movie coming out because it’s going to show more emotion when the movie gets played out.”
Mulan is going to fight for in the name of her family instead of her dad, who is already an elderly man. Mulan offers to go serve for her country and her dad refuses as she is a woman and because that’s the best choice for the family. As she defends her country at war, she is very determined, spirited and quick on her feet when at war. The movie will be more realistic as it is live-action.
Alex Vasquez (9) says, “I prefer the animated movie because it is funny and it is more original than the new one coming out.”