Senior Sendoff #Classof2020

Jasmine Castro: Top Tier Person and Student

Jasmine Castro, a graduating senior student, left a profound impact on Segerstrom High School’s journalism program.

Living by Plato’s quote that “good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others,” Jasmine’s tireless journalistic efforts marked her as one of Segerstrom’s best reporters and as a role model for other students.

“Jasmine was one of the more quiet students in Ms. Conferti’s class, but she was methodical and a hard worker. She put effort into everything that she did, and it really showed. I noticed that despite Jasmine’s more introverted nature, she always tried to participate in discussions and briefings. And whatever she would say usually was good,” says one journalism student.

Not only an active participant in class, but Jasmine’s articles also reflected her thoughtful personality. She explains how her work with Mr. Woods impacted her personally.

She says, “I am the most proud of the feature article I wrote about Mr. Woods. The article was about the Femineers Club and PLTW (Project Lead The Way) that Mr. Woods managed. I’m the most proud of this article despite the interview taking me out of my comfort zone, I still wrote a good feature article. Despite being unfamiliar with the activities Mr. Woods participated before this feature, I gained a deeper understanding of them throughout the interview and research process, which allowed me to write an article I was very proud of.”

Jasmine also held the leadership position as the features editor at the Jag Journal. She ran the Features section with integrity and the same careful approach she handled her writing.

Co-editor-in-chief, Alexa Perez (11) shares, “She is an incredibly hardworking person. She never failed to try and make her stories top tier and I can’t wait to see how far she goes with her incredible work ethic.”

Jasmine will be sorely missed next year, but Segerstrom High School’s Jag Journal has confidence that the students left behind will be able to carry Jasmine’s legacy because of her mentoring efforts.