Senior Sendoff #Classof2020

Juliana Arreola: Creative and Courageous

Graduating senior and current Jag Journal Op-Ed editor, Juliana “Jewels” Arreola prepares for the next chapter in her life but remembers her experience here at Segerstrom and her role in Segerstrom’s news organization. 

“Journalism was an amazing journey and will always be a special place in my heart. As for my last good-byes, I want to wish the journalism program and future talented journalists the best of success. Once a jaguar, always a jaguar.”

Uplifting words from an uplifting person. When asked about the words she lives by Juliana simply replies, “the best is yet to come.” This vision of the future is a hopeful one and encapsulates Juliana as a person. She is ready to graduate and move forward with life after high school, even if it requires some imagination. Thankfully, Juliana is no stranger to creativity and imagination. Her broad knowledge of pop culture and human behavior allowed her to tackle just about any story or topic.

“Being part of Journalism allowed me to be more open-minded about the world and have different perspectives on things.”

Juliana also credits her success in journalism to her former journalism advisor Mrs. Altamirano who not only supported Juliana with her writing during the first three years, but she also encouraged Juliana to persevere in life. 

“I would like to thank Mrs. Altamirano for teaching me everything I needed to know about journalism. I’m truly grateful for all the extra efforts she made to help me grow as a writer, and all the challenges she encouraged me to face to help me become the person that I am today. I thank her for always being there for me and guiding me in the right direction. She also taught me to live my best life and make wise decisions. Mrs. Altamirano is not only my teacher but a friend, all rolled into one. I appreciate her support, enthusiasm, funny jokes, and kindness. Mrs. Altamirano will always be a special teacher to me at Segerstrom High School and never forgotten.”

The lessons she learned from Mrs. Altamirano have helped Juliana connect with and mentor new journalism students. An editor needs to provide constructive criticism to help improve stories written by novice staff writers, whether these students are receptive and unreceptive to the feedback. Juliana is not daunted by this responsibility. Instead, she is creative and courageous.

“As an editor, it was definitely a challenge working with new journalism students which turned out to be fun collaborating with them. For instance, we built positive relationships and worked together as a team. It was an awesome opportunity for interacting with everyone and getting articles done for the Jag Journal. Overall, I’ve made memorable memories with everyone and altogether we played a major part in teamwork.” 

Sharing a few words about Juliana is web editor Avery Ngo (10) who had the pleasure of working and collaborating with Juliana this school year.

“Jewels was so sweet, and her desire to do good in the world really showed in her writing.”

Co-editor-in-chief, Alexa Perez (11) shares Avery’s sentiment and having spent three years with Juliana in journalism, Alexa can attest to her character.

“Jewels is an absolute sweetheart. She was so kind and always was willing to help others. I’m going to miss her incredible stories that she always wrote. Not only that, but she has been in journalism with me for all three years and it definitely won’t be the same.”

Juliana has left an impression on the Jag Journal staff, and from what we know about Juliana, she will continue to work in the creative realm and push through any obstacle.