Senior Spotlight: Yadira Zenteno

Yadira Zenteno, senior at Segerstrom High School and Managing Editor at “The Jag Journal” smiles at the camera.

Known for her kindness, dependability, and leadership, senior Yadira Zenteno has left a lasting mark on the The Jag Journal program. Co editor-in-chief last year and section editor the year prior, Zenteno pioneered The Jag Journal’s first digital newspaper, helping to create an almost entirely new system of writing and editing stories. Known for her unfailing conviction and focus on politics, Zenteno’s work from “Terrorists At The Capitol: An Attempted Coup” to “Feel the Bern at Valley” have remained as some of the newspaper’s most popular articles. 

But aside from her individual contributions, Zenteno remains a source of inspiration and strength to the rest of the staff. Last year, she personally mentored me, a friendless and frankly, overwhelmed transfer student, always answering my questions and always guiding me through the stages of the editing process. 

Having been a Segerstrom student for the past four years and a member of The Jag Journal, Zenteno has many words to share about her experiences here and a few words of advice for current and future students. 

1. How do you believe you have contributed to Segerstrom High School or the Santa Ana community in general?

I think I’ve contributed much more than I ever thought I would to school and the community. I have been in the journalism department for 4 years and I have reported and published stories regarding Santa Ana and my school. I have strived for my best work and effort while being in journalism. 

2. What was your favorite memory at Segerstrom? 

-My favorite memory at Segerstrom would probably be the moments I spent after school. I would hang out with my friends and always have fun while with them. The environment at school always felt different when school ended.

3. What were you involved in? 

I was involved in a handful of programs while at school. One program that I was in was Global Sustainability Project (GSP). GSP selected 10 students through an application process and the program would take those students to Peruvian Amazonia. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we were unable to go. We learned about the environment and went to different events to learn more about the topic and become hands on.

Another program I joined was Banking on Our Youth (BOY). 

4. What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?

One piece of advice I would give is to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities that are available. This is something that is crucial as it helps in the long run. I also think it was very helpful when applying for colleges and FAFSA. Our school’s staff does so much to make sure that we are completing the applications and submitting them as well as helping us through the process.