Mrs. Mitchell’s Retirement

Mrs. Mitchell and some of her drama students. Photo courtesy of: Mrs. Mitchell.

Esmeralda Rodriguez, Photo Editor

This year, Mrs. Mitchell teaches AP/CP Government to seniors here at SFHS. Yet, over the years, she has taught many subjects and worked in many departments, as well. At one time, Mrs. Mitchell could be found teaching drama classes and directing the next production in the theater. Other years, she was supporting the reading and writing skills of students in the English department. With her contributions being felt throughout the campus, the staff and students will definitely miss her presence. She is one of the teachers at Segerstrom who is retiring this year in 2021.

1.  What was your favorite part about working at Segerstrom?

A: My favorite part about working at Segerstrom was meeting wonderful people. I had some great students who I will never forget. Also, the faculty and staff at Segerstrom are terrific. I’m going to miss everybody.

2.  What was your favorite memory at Segerstrom?

A: I have many good memories, but one is working with the drama students when we were putting on plays. It was long hours and hard work, but it was great to see everyone so excited when we finally opened a show after so much effort. Another favorite memory is my daily lunches in a Room With a View. We had a group of teachers who constantly met for lunch and there was always good conversation and lots of laughter.

3.  What is a message you want to send out to everybody? 

A: I want to say that I’ll miss you all! Best of luck to my seniors after graduation. To everyone else, I’m thinking good thoughts for you for next year. I hope that Segerstrom is able to open completely, that everyone stays healthy, and that all this bad news is behind us!

4.  What are your retirement plans?

A: I plan to move to a cabin I own near Lake Arrowhead. I want to sit on my deck surrounded by trees, drink my coffee, and watch the squirrels and the birds.