Students with Jobs

Having a job and attending virtual learning can be stressful (Photo Courtesy of: Pexels).

Esmeralda Rodriguez

Many Segerstrom students have jobs and are attending to virtual learning at the same time. Not only can that put stress on students, it can also take up a lot of their time from their education. And for those who are good at managing their time, it isn’t a problem for them.

“I keep a schedule. So I work after school around three, and I have three days off of work each week which helps to catch up with homework. Seeing my family and boyfriend is stressful at times if I’m tired because it’s the same schedule weekly, so I get over it,” says Angelica Garcia (12).

During the pandemic, people realized that they had a lot of free time after virtual learning. So many started applying to jobs to use that spare of time to work. Not only can this help students get money for them to spend, but it can also help them develop skills for thefuture.

“I have school in the mornings, so therefore I do homework before I go to work. And I don’t have work until late afternoon. It can be hard at times to try to balance both work and school but to be honest I do it so I won’t be asking my parents for money because I know they have things to pay for. It can also be stressful but I try to not overthink about it,” says Stephanie Lopez (12).

There can also be some downsides to having a job and being in school at the same time. That is, it can probably impact how you do academically, and in a way hurt your academic achievements. 

“I try to wake up early and get everything done. Sometimes I’ll work all lunch and sometimes multitask throughout different classes. I have spare time after school and work, but sometimes I’m so tired I don’t really go out or socialize. I forsure find it stressful at times especially when teachers don’t understand and consider that their students have lives outside of school and make assignments due at times that are reasonable, but nevertheless I complete my work,” says Lisa Manjarrez (12).