Why You Need to Join Key Club Today
From left to right, Key Club President Justin Miguel and Spirit Coordinator Giovana Mondragon share a hug whlie taking a picture for the school’s Instagram page. (Image courtesy of Chantel Palomino)
October 4, 2021
Since freshman year, both Justin Miguel (12) and Giovana Mondragon (12) have been a part of Segerstrom’s Key Club. They decided that it was time to make a positive change and become the new board members.
Key Club is a student organization where students can make lifelong friendships while participating in community service events. Key Club is run by a group of board members who are each assigned a job while the club advisor, a teacher, is on the sidelines making sure everything is going according to plan. Miguel is this year’s Key Club president, and Mondragon is this year’s Spirit Coordinator. Both love to work alongside each other and have built a long-lasting friendship.
When asked why they decided to join Key Club, Miguel says, “[I wanted] to see what all the buzz was about.” He then went on to say that he was inspired to join Key Club because his sister was in the club and enjoyed her experience.
When asked the same question, Mondragon discusses how she had mentors in middle school who were in the club and would tell her about how amazing the club was. She says, “I was interested in joining the club and wanted to make new friends while also being involved [with] the school.”
The Key Club student board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, 2 Event Coordinators, 2 Spirit Coordinators, Historian, Publicist, and last but not least a Club Representative. When it comes to making decisions and plans they all work together to make sure everything runs smoothly. Each student is assigned a specific role, and in order to maintain that role, they must keep up with their responsibilities and duties.
When asked what inspired them to try out for a board position, they each had different responses.
“A lot of previous presidents were close friends of mine, and I wanted to uphold their legacy and it was a big deal for me because I wanted to see Key Club the way my friends saw it,” says Miguel. Miguel’s older sister was once the Key Club President, so he felt that there was pressure to be just like her. He knew that he needed to fill in the big shoes that his friends and sister left behind.
“The mentors were the ones who made the club really fun and their kindness towards new members inspired me to join the club, it also felt like a perfect fit,” says Mondragon (12).
Along with making new friends, Key Club allows students to participate in several community service opportunities. Both Miguel and Mondragon along with the other board members are always happy and thrilled to see all the new and returning members get along with each other and build strong connections.
“My favorite part about being in the club is seeing new members and seeing their bright smiles during every meeting and event. I love being able to welcome new students into the club and help them make new friends,” Miguel elaborates.
“My favorite part about being in the club is the overall vibes the members give. I love how amazing the environment is and how safe it makes me feel. I also love the fact that everyone in the club is accepting,” Mondragon notes.
When questioned about their future accomplishments, Miguel says, “I want to create safe space for the members, redecorate the sense of passion to help, and allow more people to experience the fun things I did during my high school years.”
Miguel hopes to bring a smile onto many members’ and students’ faces this year.
In comparison, Mondragon had a different response when it came to what she hopes to accomplish for the club this school year.
“I hope to inspire the younger classes to keep the spirit of service alive and have a great time,” says Mondragon.
Both Miguel and Mondragon have loved the experience they have had during their years in Key Club. They will always welcome new members who want to have an amazing experience and overall have fun. For more information about Key Club, you can follow the club’s Instagram page at sfhskeyclub. They are also listed on the Segerstom’s school website labeled under activities.
Miguel and Mondragon’s final message to Segerstrom High: “Hey guys join Key Club, you will have loads of fun.”
Avery • Dec 13, 2021 at 12:45 pm
This article certainly has convinced me to join Key Club. It sounds like a very interesting opportunity. I liked the quotes, and how it gave background to each of the people interviewed.