What did you do over President’s Day weekend?

Avery Ngo and Isabella Do

Last weekend was President’s Day and students at Segerstrom High School were given four days to celebrate the holidays. However, students spent the weekend very differently. 

For some students, the weekend was about family.

“My cousins from Australia came down and they made a lot of food,” says Donald Truong (10).  “They made noodles, spring rolls and other traditional Vietnamese foods. I had a lot of fun talking and hanging out with them.” 

For Darren Rameriz (12), it was also about spending time with loved ones. “I went camping in Temecula with my family. It was mostly hiking and playing card and board games with my cousins: lots of daily bonding time. We also celebrated with a birthday party for my cousin who turned 15, and then we threw a surprise birthday party when we came back for my dad’s cousin. I had a great time with my family,” Rameriz says.

However, for other students, they were pursuing their diverse set of interests. 

Acer Salinas (12), who is planning to become a priest, spent the weekend exploring this. 

“I was at the office of worship where I was studying liturgy. I [also] went to church and had an Italian dinner with Father John,” Salinas declares.

 He also adds, “And I provided spiritual direction for my friends.” 

Raymundo Gallardo (12), on the other hand, competed in a song dance competition. 

“We won first place. I got so many compliments from moms from other schools. Our coach said he was proud of the way we performed. Overall, it was a very fun weekend,” Gallardo excitedly states. 

But it wasn’t just Gallardo who got to practice his passion. Jasmine Vargas (12) spent the weekend doing two things she loves – lacrosse and photography. 

“Besides practicing, as the photographer of the team, I took pictures of the lacrosse team to create posts on Instagram and a slideshow for them. It is for memories,” Vargas says. “We took our team pictures too.” 

But while some students had a very exciting and productive weekend, others chose to relax. 

“We had a picnic. We bought a bunch of fruit,” says Trisha Huynh.