A Preview of Segerstrom’s Open House
Image courtesy of Daniel Ramirez
The quad that is regularly know for eating lunch, will change as an area for students and parents to explore during open house.
March 28, 2022
Open House is a chance for a student’s parents, siblings, and relatives to visit their school and see what they have learned. Open House happens at Segerstrom High School on March 31 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Visitors can explore the school environment and talk to teachers.
Some people may wonder how Open House will work this year since returning from distance learning. Last year, teachers, students, and parents had to communicate online through Zoom or Google Meet because of COVID. This year, parents, siblings, and guardians can visit Segerstrom in person.
In the quad around 5:00 p.m., all the clubs will gather and begin selling snacks for a fundraiser. All the money raised will go to those school clubs.
Principal Casper, and other staff members, work behind the scenes getting ready for the big day.
“There’s a lot of planning. I help coordinate it all, but my team does an amazing job.”
People attending Open House need to know where to go, and Principal Casper provides that information in different ways to Segerstrom’s community.
“We send flyers and a Parentsquare through the computer system that give general information about Open House,” says Principal Casper.
Principal Casper also shared how Open House is different compared to Back to School Night, which is held during the first month of the school year.
“Open House is not like Back to School Night where they follow a schedule. Basically, they come and then they can walk around and see what they want to see. They can walk around and see different things – [they can] go to the library, go see classrooms. They can see anything they want,” he explains.
When asked about what he will do during the school event, Principal Casper says“I Interact with parents. I walk around talking to potential students. I talk to our current parents. You’ll see me out and about. I try to visit all the classrooms and just to see parents or anybody who has questions there. I am there to help.”
If you are interested in going to Open House, these are some times you may want to remember:
5:00 – 7:30: Food sales
5:00 – 6:00: Incoming freshman parent meeting (gym)
6:00 – 7:30: Classroom Visits