Senior Sendoff #2022: Dominic Truong

Whether it’s freshman year or senior year, a good day or bad, Dominic (far left) Truong always walks in with a smile on his face. Now, as he completes his final year at Segerstrom as a staff writer for the Jag Journal, Dominic has this to say about his high school experience.

Image courtesy of Isabella Do

Whether it’s freshman year or senior year, a good day or bad, Dominic (far left) Truong always walks in with a smile on his face. Now, as he completes his final year at Segerstrom as a staff writer for the Jag Journal, Dominic has this to say about his high school experience.

Bushra Syed, Copy Editor

Whether it’s freshman year or senior year, a good day or bad, Dominic Truong always walks in with a smile on his face. He is what you might call a “happy-go-lucky” kind of guy who likes to have a good time. Dominic also enjoys sports and goes surfing at the beach during the summer and snowboarding in the winter. He was in water polo for all four years of high school and was on the swim team for three years. Dominic’s friends describe him as “funny, charismatic, jovial, and light-hearted.” Now, as he completes his final year at Segerstrom as a staff writer for the Jag Journal, Dominic has this to say about his high school experience.

1.  What is/are your favorite memory(ies) of Segerstrom?

Probably arguing with [my friend] Avery Ngo and getting in huge debates with her, sometimes political. It’s my favorite because it’s how I started talking to Avery.

2.  How has your high school experience at Segerstrom shaped your life?

Just meeting and socializing with new people. It’s nice to be around more kids my age. With sports and all, it brought more people together. Then [the pandemic] hit, so I don’t think it really shaped me, it just helped me to socialize with people. It gave more opportunities to talk to people.

3.  What are your plans after high school graduation?

I want to become a cop, but I think I’m just going to go to school for now. Maybe just a community college for now. I’d probably study business. Maybe I’ll start a business someday, and if I do well in that business, then I probably won’t become a cop. Maybe I’ll go into the drinks industry and make boba.

4.  What is one piece of advice you would give to an incoming freshman?

Talk to everyone. Don’t be afraid to talk to anyone. Try to make as many friends as possible. When you have a lot of friends, you get more out of being around people. You’ll have more fun. You could possibly make a new best friend and adult [together]. It’s just high school, to be honest. We’re barely starting the next chapter; this is just the beginning.