Senior Sendoff #Classof2023: Liliana Ibarra Cazas

Image courtesy of Jacklyne Rivera

Graduating senior Lilliana Ibarra Cazas joined The Jag Journal this year as a copy editor and one of the first podcast hosts.

Kaylie Amaya, Instagram Editor, Podcast Producer

Liliana Ibarra Cazas is a senior, staff writer and host for Segerstrom’s The Jag Journal podcast. She is the oldest of three and the first of her family to pursue a four-year college education. She is a very intelligent and kind person. Cazas will be attending California State University Bakersfield next school year. Her favorite shows that she rewatched this year were Grey’s Anatomy, New Girl, and Scandal. She has always enjoyed reading and writing, especially in her AP Literature class. Reconnecting with old hobbies and things that she truly enjoys doing made the inevitable stress of senior year so much more bearable.

1.  What is/are your favorite memory(ies) of Segerstrom?

I enjoyed my two years in Child Development and being able to participate in the internship at Thorpe. I loved getting to know Mrs. Stahle’s 4th-grade class, and they made my last year more special. Child Development taught me how to continue to develop patience and inspire my creativity. I feel very lucky to have been a part of the program because it made my year more memorable. To any underclassmen, I would encourage you to take Child Development for both years because the internship is truly a rewarding experience.

2.  How has your high school experience at Segerstrom shaped your life?

My high school experience was also a learning experience for me because Segerstrom allowed me to connect with a lot of people and make memorable friendships that have helped me grow as a person. High school also allowed me to challenge myself when presented not only with AP classes and exams but also with my character in friendships and with the people around me. Oftentimes we believe that people have the ability to influence us, but it’s how you deal with people and situations that really defines who you truly are. I leave high school more confident in who I am than I was when I first started my freshman year.

3.  What are your plans after high school graduation?

I plan to attend CSUB in the fall and major in psychology while pursuing a career in neuropsychology. I knew I wanted to pursue psychology, but I wanted a career that would be more challenging, so I want to study cognitive function as I have always wanted to lean more toward the medical aspect of it.

4.  What is one piece of advice you would give to an incoming freshman?

One piece of advice I would give an incoming freshman is to see high school as an opportunity to not only learn but also experience the opportunity to get to know the person you can be and the person you wish to become.