A New Vice Principal Plans to Make a Difference

Mr. Werner showing love to the Jaguar Family by wearing school apparel.
October 7, 2019
Mr. Werner, the new vice-principal, transferred from Mendez Fundamental Intermediate School to Segerstrom HIgh School. This is his first year as a part of the Segerstrom family. He plans on helping improve the school as well as cooperating with Mr. Casper on making the campus the best it can be.
Q: In what ways do you plan to improve the school?
A: “One way I am trying to improve is to help build a culture in the campus, so as an adult, I need to make sure each student is successful and make sure my staff is helped so that they can help me help the students.”
Q: What differences do you see here at Segerstrom that you didn’t see at Mendez?
A: “A difference is obviously that this is a high school and a lot is going on at the school and parents can be proud that there are so many students connected to a number of actives like sports, VAPA, and clubs. [Those activities are what] makes schools exciting and a very busy place. It’s like a 24-hour operation here, all kids are connected and some come at 6 am and don’t leave until 9 or 10 pm, it’s very busy.”
Q: What have you learned since you’ve been here?
A: “[I have done] a lot of learning here, but that is not what makes it a busy school, it isn’t just about academic and learning, it’s well not necessarily learning but learning because there’s a future beyond high school and make sure they get everything they need so there more prepared for college and their carers and just to be good citizens.
Q: How long have you been working for a school (an administrator, teacher, etc.)?
A: “This is my 19th year just in SAUSD at Mcfadden I worked there for 9 tears as a math and science teacher and just many different projects then i got into administration at Mendez I worked there for 9 years as well and now I am here.