After School Jags: A Program to Help Students After School

Jacklyne Rivera, Staff Writer

After School Jags is a program that students can attend after the school day is over with. Students can attend After School Jags for tutoring, homework, or hang out until their parents pick them up from school. The program can help students in school and anything they may need help with.

“After School Jags helps me when I need help,” said Monique Sanchez (9). 

The program hours are from when the last bell of the day rings to 6:00 pm. This program is held in the library where they also have their own designated room inside.  After School Jags has their own tutoring, so if any student needs help, they can go to the library in order to get the help they need. Students may also just hang out with friends and play board games until they close. 

Another option is making an appointment with a tutor to help with struggling classes or even need a more clear explanation. After School Jags does not only consist of tutoring and studying, they also have other programs like Polynesian dancing. 

Another program within After School Jags is App Jam. App Jam is an app that students use to create an app of their own. After School Jags also has a program called Jam Session. For Jam Session, you play music with different kinds of instruments.   

Going on field trips to colleges and museums is another thing offered by After School Jags. After School Jags is a great opportunity to make new friends and meet new people. Because the program lasts for such a long time after school, many productive things can be done while in the library. 

“After School Jags is a fun place to be at while I’m waiting for my mom to pick me up,” said Karen Villegas (9). 

Another program within After School Jags is App Jam. App Jam is an app that students use to create an app of their own. After School Jags also has a program called Jam Session. For Jam Session, you play music with different kinds of instruments.   

A lot of students like to go to After School Jags because it helps with their grades as they can get tutoring as well as make new friends in the process.  After School Jags has a lot of opportunities to help students with schoolwork if they are struggling because it is available to the entire student body if they need it.