Q&A with Mock Trial President Alicia Quiroz

Alicia Quiroz, Mock Trial Club President, stands proudly in front of a professional space.

Avery Ngo

Why did you decide to join Mock Trial?

I decided to join Mock Trial because it’s a club that teaches you about law, public speaking, and the importance that everyone holds when they’re part of a community. 

What urged to take a leadership position in Mock Trial?

I decided to take the role as President because I felt like it was a great learning opportunity and a chance for me to practice my leadership skills. 

How has Mock Trial impacted your life? 

Before I joined Mock Trial I was extremely shy, I would never volunteer class, and I would cry before any presentations, but thanks to Mock Trial I am now extremely involved in my school and community, I’m always talking to new people about a variant of topics, and I’m always the first to volunteer in all of my classes.

What type of person do you encourage to join Mock Trial?

I would encourage anyone to join. Although it’s a law club, there is a position for anyone and everyone. We welcome everyone that wants to commit to the club and is willing to have fun and work hard! 

How have you personally contributed to the Mock Trial team? 

I have always helped with the trial, I have strengthened the way our club works from the way we communicate to the way we prepare for the trial. 

What is your goal for Segerstrom’s Mock Trial team this year? 

I hope we win CRF (Constitutional Rights Foundation) rounds this year, making us more competitive and hopefully going to state finals.