Mrs. Upmeyer Feature Story

Mrs. Upmeyer stand proudly in front of the camera.

Bianca Brunn

Mrs. Upmeyer is a math teacher (CP and Honors Algebra I) and tennis coach at Segerstrom High School. She is a super sweet, really caring teacher, and she is funny. 

Q: How long have you been teaching here at Segerstrom High School? 

A: “I started teaching here in 2012, but I taught three years at Spurgeon before that.”

Q: What subject do you teach here at Segerstrom High School? 

A: “I teach Algebra I and Honors Algebra I.”

Q: Do you coach any sport here at Segerstrom High School? 

A: “Yes, I teach tennis.”

Q: How long have you been coaching tennis here? 

A: ”About six years, but I’ve been taking some breaks after having a baby.” 

Q: What’s your favorite thing about coaching tennis and why? 

A: “Getting to know kids outside the classroom and watching them develop as athletes. It’s cool to see their self-confidence grow.” 

Q: What does being a coach mean to you and why?

A: “As a coach I feel it’s my responsibility to push kids beyond their own expectations; to see potential that they don’t see in themselves. Sports gives kids structure, but also an outlet to be themselves in a positive environment. As a coach, it is my job to create that structure for them.” 

Q: What is your favorite thing about Segerstrom High School and why?

A: The people! The teachers I work with make coming to work easy. And I love when I have classes that I have a collection of students that make me laugh but still want to get work done. It doesn’t happen every period, but some classes just make me happy.”